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The notorious Secret app is now available in Ireland - but what does it do?

The anonymous sharing app is here to shake up your personal life.

GOT SOMETHING YOU’D really love to get off your chest, but don’t want to risk the judgement of your friends and loved ones?

Secret, a new anonymous sharing app on the Irish market, could be just the answer to your prayers.

The app has gained some notoriety in the States after a secret posted on the app revealed that the former head of Google+, Vic Gundrota, was interviewing for other jobs.

Gundrota officially announced his resignation a few days later.

Though it seems similar to apps like PostSecret and Whisper, it has one tantalising difference – most of the secrets you see are from people in your phone’s contact list.

The app lets you know if the secret is from someone you know, or a friend of a friend, but you don’t know which person this secret belongs to.

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If a friend ‘loves’ your secret, that secret spreads on to their friends, and so on – a particularly good secret can “anonymously spread around the world in less than a second”, according to the developers.

There’s no way for anyone, even the Secret team, to find posts by a specific user, and secrets are stored without making reference to the poster.

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Essentially, you can say anything you want, and no one will ever know it was you. Tempting.

You can get Secret – Speak Freely for free on the App Store now. It’s currently iPhone only, but an Android app is on the way.

Go on. You know you want to.

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